War Etiquettte

Here are our clan expectations and the code of conduct for our war participants

Our clan takes wars very seriously. We war twice a week on Tuesdays & Fridays. As a matter of clan pride we aim to do our very best in each and every war. 

- New members: You must qualify for war by submitting a 3 star replay to clan leaders before you can be in war.

- Members who have recently upgraded their town hall level must re-qualify for war

- We declare war every Tuesday & Friday at around 6PM Mountain Daylight Time

- We will try our best to send clan mail indicating when to turn your opt to in/out. However, as our war schedule is the same each week, it is your responsibility to keep track of your OPT status. 

- Please turn on clan mail notifications on your device as it is the easiest and only way for leaders to contact most clan members with announcements or information.

- You CANNOT be a part of the war if you won't have one or more of the following unavailable for war:

  • Barbarian King (TH8+)
  • Archer Queen (TH9+)
  • Warden (TH11+)
  • Spell Factory
  • Dark Spell Factory

-Please be aware that It is YOUR responsibility to OPT IN/OUT accordingly. If you do opt-in to war, you are committing to preform BOTH of your attacks in the war and in a timely fashion. 

Failure to perform both attacks in war will result in being kicked from the clan

Failure to perform one war attack will result in a suspension from the next opted in clan war. 

Failure to perform your attacks in a timely fashion will result in a suspension from the next opted in war

Repeated offences will result in being kicked from the clan!

-Outside of battle day you should practicing your strategy and ideally learning new 3 star strategies. 

- You must use a PROPER attack strategy, attacking for loot isn’t what we are about here.  Clash is constantly updating so the variation of proper attack strategies are also constantly changing. 
  • A Proper strategy is a well thought out plan of attack that has the intention of 3 starting the enemy base
  • TH9's are expected to be able to 3 star Maxed enemy TH9 bases. 
  • TH10s are expected to be able to consistently 3 star maxed TH9 & TH10 enemy bases.
  • TH11s are expected to be able to consistently 2 star maxed TH11s, sometimes 3 star TH11s, and 2 star enemy TH12s
  • Any questions about Proper War Strategies please ask in chat.
-DO NOT leave during clan war if you are a part of it. This leaves a bad taste with everyone and you will banned from our clan forever!

- Please be courteous and ask if anyone is planning to attack a specific target before attacking.  

-Always attack a base with the intention to GAIN STARS NOT LOOT. 

1 comment:

  1. Wbones here,
    Here you guys opt me in the next war plz, ty
