Clan Rules

Welcome! to the Legendary clan of Legenwait4it!
We were established on Mar12th, 2014.

Clan Rules are simple: 

1) Be Active and Donate! 
    Being Active means that you must be placed in a league showing you have at least been in an attacking battle. Active also means you must be available occasionally on the chat so that the leaders can see that you are an actual person, as well as discuss with you about any issues that pop up. If none of the leaders have spoken with you in a period of time, you may be kicked for inactivity.

2) Elder status is earned. Leadership will reward elder status for qualities like but not limited to great donators, consistent good performance in war, helping to bring in good recruits, and being helpful to fellow clan mates. 

3) Please observe a 1:3 ratio of Donated:Received troops.

4) Please only give what is requested, otherwise ASK FIRST 
    This is very important. Please don't assume someone would be happy with receiving a high level troop such as a bowlers or e-dragons when they had asked for archers or giants. Each person attacks differently and such troops may or may not fit into their strategy. Another reason is if someone asks for archers or giants, then receives minions or dragons, they may deploy their castle expecting ground units, but instead deploys the air unit directly into an air defense, thus under utilizing the CC units. So please, if you want to give something different, just take a second and ask.

5) Be respectful to your fellow clan members. No offensive language or comments and be courteous. 

6) Elders, DO NOT kick any member without discussing it with a co-leader or the leader first! If you have an issue with a clan member and a co-leader is not available then please take screen shots of the incident so you can let the leaders know at a later time. Inactive clan members will be dealt with by the Leader only.

7)If you would like to be an active participant in our clan wars please see additional rules on our "To WAR!" tab.

For those members who are farming, we ask that you please maintain at least 900 trophies minimum.

During a trophy push, even if you decide not to participate, please maintain at least 1400 trophies for our bottom line. In other words, you must be in Gold 
League or higher. Thank you.

and most important of all, relax and HAVE FUN! :)

Our minimum numbers are subject to change, please check back often to keep up to date.

***We are currently recruiting for TH10+ with at least 40+ combined hero levels,TH11 with at least 60+ combined hero levels*** 


  1. nice blog tokhoi - NathanSay

  2. I'd like to join your clan, IGN ggggggg, lvl 53, th7, farming, 1300 trophies, can get gold if needed just farming atm. Always active and respectful. I take my clans serious. Always donate and always use both attacks. I'd appreciate the opportunity to join your clan!

    1. Hi Nick, Thanks for your interest in our clan!. Currently we are recruiting Lvl 60 and above, however since you are very close, you can request to our Farm clan LegenFarm4it. When you have reached our minimums and if you are indeed active, you can ask to join the main clan at that time. Thanks, looking forward to meeting you.

  3. This is tip please hold next opening for me i will be checking to see when the clan is full or not thanks- tip319
