Friday, October 31, 2014

War with Buckeye Grove

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

War strats for Québec 18 ans +

#32 for Sapper

*** Strategy requires 3 Lightning spells and 1 Rage spell with LVL6 balloons in CC***

1. drop BK to clear out buildings
2. (if available) drop AQ to clear out buildings
3. drop 3 Lighting spells on top AD
4. deploy drags across white lines (spead out evenly)
5. After your drags are getting hit by ADs deploy Clan Castle full of LVL6 Balloons 
6. use rage spell on balloons (center the spell on the castle below #3)

Friday, October 24, 2014

War with Quebec 18 ans +

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack Support Attack
1 Ukleus
2 cuchon
3 Apofice125
4 kratos
5 Dechicteur_Qc
6 Dropnyk
7 Kyp DurrOn
8 Maximus
9 julien
10 Pascalus
11 WAR_MASTA Troops
12 Fred
13 bOum80
14 aym742
15 fredschoeb
16 cri cri
17 guss Word02
18 Raph
19 sherifff
20 phil
21 Warrior 72 TE1-4
22 matris
23 louvill
24 spartacus Plastic202
25 yann944 Allen
26 Uwilldie hhhy
27 Derek Dorgon
28 TheSydMad
29 oviole
30 jerry
31 Fleg
32 AngelusAtra
33 Madgab
34 May
35 DCD Wbones
36 Muklaig John Madden
37 Gazou Ron
38 waza092
39 Cocotte NonlinearBit
40 sparte Junior

Friday, October 17, 2014

War against Wichita316 (Round 2)

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack Support Attack
1 Thor
2 justin
3 sirtank
4 dan
5 keetoog
6 smooth
7 Shawn
8 Mountain-ghost
9 scorpiongrow
10 kyle the wise
11 major d-bag
12 jag
13 shamwow Flobo
14 roy
15 x sonic xt troops
16 jwright4321
17 Spe
18 king ryan
19 mattron5000 TE1-4
20 wicked
21 PE teacher32 Word02
22 BS1515
23 jackie
24 braddo
25 Azuremist
26 Daltorias
27 Opus357
28 firefly plastic
29 ron
30 smoothy SouL
31 ender1377 choctnrocks15
32 jimmy Dorgon
33 r i o s hhhy
34 mfarris22
35 frimps
36 robfromKC Wbones
37 Queen Sei
38 danny
39 $$$$$$ Ron
40 jessika Clark

Friday, October 10, 2014



Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

For Now, Targets 18 and above are OFF LIMITS for first attacks unless approved by a Leader 

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

***Please don't pick bases that are too high or too low for your current level, thank you***

If you claim a target, please do your first  attack within the first 6 hours of war start. 
When the War clock reads "War ends in 18 hours" your claim on that target will no longer exist. Thank you.

Highlighted green names mean that there is an attack strat made for this target s

Primary Attack Support Attack
1. fantastico

2. eebie

3. guts

4. Verthand

5. Doug

6. diodiomacfray

7. Rapariguero

8. Jorge

9. murilo14

10. Marina

11. E o Tada daman

12. Douglas

13. Fantastic

14. Thor

15. felipe

16. sully18 Troops

17. AJT word

18. Thay

19. doulazarini

20. Guu1h Te-1

21. Heisenberg Soul

22. felipe

23. lene

24. guilum

25. LucasGuedes hhhy

26. Crywolf

27. thayany

28. jhoni

29. Ma leilei

30. Calango soul

31. Soren Kierkard

32. kleiton aires Dorgon

33. Jeferson82

34. xTzplayer Patel

35. dayane

36. Sir Victor

37. gui

38. watussy yan

39. Tah master thomas

40. Kranty Zuba

41. Alberto John madden

42. Guma_BD nlb

43. netts Wbones

44. guisandra ron

45. Cerdas Clark

Friday, October 3, 2014

War with Sugary Almonds

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

For Now, Targets 18 and above are OFF LIMITS for first attacks unless approved by a Leader 

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

***Please don't pick bases that are too high or too low for your current level, thank you***

If you claim a target, please do your first  attack within the first 6 hours of war start. 
When the War clock reads "War ends in 18 hours" your claim on that target will no longer exist. Thank you.

Highlighted green names mean that there is an attack strat made for this target s

# Enemy Name Primary Attack Support Attack
1 trpmstr
2 josh
3 Stinkydoodle
4 EVOholic
5 Higgins02
6 eisak
7 longjuanfeng123
8 rodighiero87
9 jake
10 ExtraCilantro
11 BOostinHx40
12 bigdawg5656
13 IceKnight144
14 basher
15 anwar Daman
16 turk
17 legofsteel flobo
18 firedog
19 bdog
20 master TE1-4
21 blaclrain_10 Gandor
22 Super Rat
23 Jeck SouL
24 tom7066
25 Ricky
26 Magpie Himself
27 madskills101
28 Allsa Marie
29 datkidchris7
30 SR11 Dorgon
31 Vivek Choktnrocks15
32 Hellking45
33 kitties
34 kayden Ariel
35 haidess
36 tirnoch
37 Masked Viper Wbones
38 RonBurgandy98 Zubacabalist
39 arath Ron
40 Major Snowflake Kelvin/nlb