Friday, December 19, 2014

War with BoomShakalaka

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

Enemy # Primary Attack
8 Daman
16 Zombie
23 Programmer
24 TE1-4
27 Soul
28 Gandor
30 Wbones
33 Jojo
35 NonlinearBit
36 john madden
39 jason the great
41 Junior
42 Ron

Friday, December 12, 2014

War with SFX MOB

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack
1 Beast
2 elmer
3 jimross74
4 Natecox
5 porterhaus71
6 jimmy ryan
7 maddog
8 BBOYADVERSE Lalextreme 
9 khaiern
10 ralcor
11 Scrub
12 lardale88
13 riggby 399
14 eddie
15 bucs
16 logan
17 laxking2030 Sapper Dude
18 trapt_spirit Plastic202
19 theuntangler TE1-4
20 aiden Word02
21 gavin SouL 2nd atk
22 sammii96<3 ncs ninja
23 zephyr PROGR4MM3R
24 brad9324 SouL
25 indymayham Dorgon
26 CAMERON John madden
27 4heex
28 thorn Wbones
29 eamon NonlinearBit
30 mat l
31 vic
32 cojack46240
33 ward
34 jackqueenia Jason the Great
35 eric Ron

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Leaked sneak peaks

Due to popular demand here is the link to the leaked sneak peak page with retyped text in case you can't read.

Leaked Sneak Peaks

Friday, December 5, 2014

War with THe PHoeNiX

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

#Enemy NamePrimary Attack
3Dangerous Dad
51ney 79
6mason the king
19B1g worm 420
29(josue10)sapper dude
40Darkmoonjason the great

Friday, November 28, 2014


Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack
1 kratos
2 black dragon
3 thomas
4 christian
5 hans
6 nanis
7 fernando7 Daman
8 cuervo
9 wongld
10 caves005
11 reach74
12 cristian
13 aleydiego
14 ramirez
15 teganeitor
16 blackstian
18 phillip flipeh Te1
19 oier
20 aiden
21 matyas
22 francisco
23 fabian
24 andres Plastic202
25 john cordoba SouL
26 lord hans choktnrocks15
27 dirty
28 fernando John Madden
29 lobo
30 rulo
31 jose ignacio Wbones
32 pablow
33 arkvic NonlinearBit
34 daniel
35 tito pancho
36 seba esnaola
37 diegol
38 yfet
39 adbg Ron
40 idaik Jason the great

Friday, November 21, 2014

War with CESAR

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

#Enemy NamePrimary Attack
7Lucas Diego
22Gabrielsapper dude
29Alexjohn madden
33Luiz HenriqueJASON
35gustovojason the great
36Raul Pontejason the great (exception made by xu)
39Rhaiani Tranhaq

Friday, November 14, 2014

War against K&K Clan

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack
1 matt morgan
2 bman
3 monjour
4 vivithestuation
5 skwoirol
6 kyphon
7 ultimate_golden
8 kodyk123
9 coolmaxt
10 deniz
11 davem
12 doeby
13 youandme TE1-4
14 mikal
15 bart
16 damedash90 Plastic202
17 slayer
18 ssrs
19 lebron
20 cool magfifhit
21 taco Sapper Dude
22 myneega john madden
23 fault-line SouL
24 jacob word02
25 mitchell Wbones
26 absurd
27 nick Dorgon
28 johnny
29 canadianarcher
30 AJB Hhhy
31 mikeyalphonse
32 aaron
33 zack
34 austinwxy
35 beast Jason
36 bbsocal nonlinearbit
37 tara
38 chase Ron
39 jon Jason the great
40 cpt cuddles Junior

Friday, November 7, 2014

War with LORDS

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack
1 egakagoc2xi
2 sergi292
3 luigy
4 emarlopez
5 dorian gray Ryan
6 guille
7 toke Daman
8 satumovich
9 roy
10 jon
11 erick
12 folluto
13 domingo moros
14 luis mieles Troops
15 carrerass
16 nave
17 chiriqui
18 javikron
19 yoelys TE1-4
20 jose the king
21 death dan
22 ferlas sapper dude
23 lenier
24 daniel magno allen
25 laxus charlie
26 mauricio
27 denis march p
28 gozila Dorgon
29 richard Soul
30 rodri
31 skyworld john madden
32 larrigol
33 willy choktnrocks15
34 edgar_blw
35 francisco
36 txuriurdin
37 david wes
38 reina
39 majito
40 MR

Friday, October 31, 2014

War with Buckeye Grove

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

War strats for Québec 18 ans +

#32 for Sapper

*** Strategy requires 3 Lightning spells and 1 Rage spell with LVL6 balloons in CC***

1. drop BK to clear out buildings
2. (if available) drop AQ to clear out buildings
3. drop 3 Lighting spells on top AD
4. deploy drags across white lines (spead out evenly)
5. After your drags are getting hit by ADs deploy Clan Castle full of LVL6 Balloons 
6. use rage spell on balloons (center the spell on the castle below #3)

Friday, October 24, 2014

War with Quebec 18 ans +

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack Support Attack
1 Ukleus
2 cuchon
3 Apofice125
4 kratos
5 Dechicteur_Qc
6 Dropnyk
7 Kyp DurrOn
8 Maximus
9 julien
10 Pascalus
11 WAR_MASTA Troops
12 Fred
13 bOum80
14 aym742
15 fredschoeb
16 cri cri
17 guss Word02
18 Raph
19 sherifff
20 phil
21 Warrior 72 TE1-4
22 matris
23 louvill
24 spartacus Plastic202
25 yann944 Allen
26 Uwilldie hhhy
27 Derek Dorgon
28 TheSydMad
29 oviole
30 jerry
31 Fleg
32 AngelusAtra
33 Madgab
34 May
35 DCD Wbones
36 Muklaig John Madden
37 Gazou Ron
38 waza092
39 Cocotte NonlinearBit
40 sparte Junior

Friday, October 17, 2014

War against Wichita316 (Round 2)

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack Support Attack
1 Thor
2 justin
3 sirtank
4 dan
5 keetoog
6 smooth
7 Shawn
8 Mountain-ghost
9 scorpiongrow
10 kyle the wise
11 major d-bag
12 jag
13 shamwow Flobo
14 roy
15 x sonic xt troops
16 jwright4321
17 Spe
18 king ryan
19 mattron5000 TE1-4
20 wicked
21 PE teacher32 Word02
22 BS1515
23 jackie
24 braddo
25 Azuremist
26 Daltorias
27 Opus357
28 firefly plastic
29 ron
30 smoothy SouL
31 ender1377 choctnrocks15
32 jimmy Dorgon
33 r i o s hhhy
34 mfarris22
35 frimps
36 robfromKC Wbones
37 Queen Sei
38 danny
39 $$$$$$ Ron
40 jessika Clark

Friday, October 10, 2014



Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

For Now, Targets 18 and above are OFF LIMITS for first attacks unless approved by a Leader 

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

***Please don't pick bases that are too high or too low for your current level, thank you***

If you claim a target, please do your first  attack within the first 6 hours of war start. 
When the War clock reads "War ends in 18 hours" your claim on that target will no longer exist. Thank you.

Highlighted green names mean that there is an attack strat made for this target s

Primary Attack Support Attack
1. fantastico

2. eebie

3. guts

4. Verthand

5. Doug

6. diodiomacfray

7. Rapariguero

8. Jorge

9. murilo14

10. Marina

11. E o Tada daman

12. Douglas

13. Fantastic

14. Thor

15. felipe

16. sully18 Troops

17. AJT word

18. Thay

19. doulazarini

20. Guu1h Te-1

21. Heisenberg Soul

22. felipe

23. lene

24. guilum

25. LucasGuedes hhhy

26. Crywolf

27. thayany

28. jhoni

29. Ma leilei

30. Calango soul

31. Soren Kierkard

32. kleiton aires Dorgon

33. Jeferson82

34. xTzplayer Patel

35. dayane

36. Sir Victor

37. gui

38. watussy yan

39. Tah master thomas

40. Kranty Zuba

41. Alberto John madden

42. Guma_BD nlb

43. netts Wbones

44. guisandra ron

45. Cerdas Clark