Friday, September 26, 2014

War against Team Alkayda

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

***Please don't pick bases that are too high or too low for your current level, thank you***

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!! 

If you claim a target, please do your first  attack within the first 6 hours of war start. 
When the War clock reads "War ends in 18 hours" your claim on that target will no longer exist. Thank you.

Highlighted green names mean that there is an attack strat made for this target s

# Enemy Name Primary Attack Support Attack
1 guchibah
2 Raphael ferreir
3 terrorista
5 Mago Madara
6 Zeus
7 dhenisrai
8 daniel
9 feiticera ricc
10 lucas goes
11 Betu BR
12 Juliano
13 RodrigoCTt
14 joka
15 Sombra Flobo
16 vitano Tacosmell
17 marcio pedro troops
18 delta delta Daman
19 Daniel
20 vinicius
21 shackleton
22 Rei arthu
23 alisson Yolo
24 dani goes Soul
25 juninho mago
26 bofia
27 Rei breno choktnrocks15
28 tropa de elite Dorgon
29 ghoratt
31 jack
32 Rainha Fany john madden
33 tratorhbhhhhhhh NonlinearBit
34 aqbm
35 Princesa Brenda
36 lukas
37 Nielsen
38 frouxo Ron
39 Lucas wbones

Friday, September 19, 2014

Lizzy's Quest 3 Member Totals

This is where the scores will be kept for the current Lizzy's Quest (See post below).
The current first place holder will be highlighted in green, while the runner up will be highlighted in yellow.

Name Entree #1 Entree #2 Total Loot 
jrdbchld 623,760
Miss Lizzy
Daman 729,918 753,952 1,483,870
Dovid74 684,575 721,424 1,405,999
Troops 584,687 747,410 1,332,097
Allen 552,048
Kirito the beat
Crazzy88Ford 522,479
Dorgon 446,214 489,696 935,910
jojo 599,382 763,564 1,362,946
Shrempe 829,790 621,802 1,451,592
John Madden
SouL 540,353
Jam4l!!! 451,628

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Lizzy's Third Quest!

**quest has now ended**

Hello Clan!

There have been some changes in our clan recently (please refer to clan rules) and for better or worse, I think a clan challenge aka Lizzy’s Quest should brighten up the mood and hopefully get us all back on the same track.

Dovid has been ever so generous as to sponsor this event so a great big thank you to Dovid!!!

*clap clap clap clap clap *

It’s been so awesome that we have such wonderful people in our clan who are willing to dish out a bit of coin and help everyone get into our beloved game.

So far our past sponsors have been Ron, Tokhoi, and Yolo and now Dovid, so everyone please say your thank-you’s when you see them because it wouldn’t be possible for us to keep these contests going without their support. AND…… I’ve helped out here and there too so you can thank me aswell  ;-)

We are changing the rules a little bit for this challenge as to encourage more activity in our clan so please read them carefully.


2.       If you are not elder, there’s still time to earn your eldership and then join in mid challenge.

3.       To participate, each player must submit two replays with the highest overall loot (gold, elixir, dark  elixir combined) in a 3 STAR ATTACK.

4.       The win for this contest will go to the player with the highest total of their two best attacks

5.       You must be a trophy rank of silver 2 and above for each of your submitted entries.

In order to qualify, you must share the replay and ask one of the co-leaders to watch and verify, then submit it on your behalf. If you ARE a co-leader, you still must get another co-leader to verify for you.

 Competition starts immediately and runs till Friday September 26, 2014 @ 5:00 MDT (basically until next war is declared) Please note war is canceled for Friday September 19.

First place winner will receive a $25 iTunes gift card or Google Play gift card to be used towards gems on clash of clans.  (courtesy of Dovid) 
OR you have the option to forego the monetary prize and choose a mystery prize instead. If you forego the gift card it will be used for the next challenge.

Runner up will receive a mystery prize.

The Mystery Prize is of course, a mystery. The only thing I can tell you is that it will be a Hand Made item by yours truly :) There is also no guarantees what so ever on this prize, it could be a ball of yarn, a hand written congratulatory note, or it could be something super awesome! The prize will be mailed to you via snail mail so you will have to send me your mailing address but I assure you it will not be shared with random people.

The Mystery prize will not be the same each time, but you can look back to see the previous mystery prize that was given.  It is also not guaranteed to be Clash of Clans themed.

**Mystery Prize's Shipping and material cost will not exceed the monetary value of the Gift Card

Ok everyone! I wish you all the best of luck and go hone those 3 star skills!

Have fun!


Current 1st Place
 Tokhoi with 660,530 + 631,763 = 1,292,293 total loot
660,530 total loot
631,763 total loot

Current 2nd Place
jrdbchld with: 623,760 
First Raid total loot: 623,760

Current 3rd Place 
Dorgon with 446,214 total loot
446,214 total loot

Friday, September 12, 2014

War with Aviators

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

For Now, Targets 17 and above are OFF LIMITS for first attacks unless approved by a Leader 

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

***Please don't pick bases that are too high or too low for your current level, thank you***

If you claim a target, please do your first  attack within the first 6 hours of war start. 
When the War clock reads "War ends in 18 hours" your claim on that target will no longer exist. Thank you.

Highlighted green names mean that there is an attack strat made for this target s

# Enemy Name Primary Attack Clean-up Attack
1 Baron
2 theStands
3 King Krusher
4 BdizzleShinizzle
5 vicks-85
6 sam
7 Emperor
8 C-tone
9 King Eric
10 aer0walker
11 Duncan
12 Raygunman Troops *
13 Jordan
14 CoreyMoe
15 varun ajmera Troops
16 MelindaSS Lizzy
17 King Seth byFusionmmm
18 ammar spinning coil Taco5mell
19 Endr03 Dylan
20 baddog Yolo
21 Pebby
22 kipqowie mike
23 Lord Farva TE1-4
24 ssr-jatt Richard
25 ron Allen
26 Brian Gandor
27 goober513 Shrempe
28 pradeep Zubacabalist
29 mac LouHoltz1988
30 Konathala
31 Baroness Arrow1
32 prateek
33 Quintin Soul
34 matt SamBaker66
35 jef John Madden
36 Doomsteve Brad
37 scorpion21j NonlinearBit
38 muni5h :) Ron
39 {ayesha} Wbones
40 luna

*Troops had his target (#15) taken, but had asked for either 15 or 12 when he initially claimed. To compensate for the taken target, his name will be in 12 as well as 15 for the time being. -Dave

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Attack strats for war against Siths Revenge#2 - base #20,27,43


Dragon raid requirements:
•    3 Lvl3+ lightning spells
•    10 Lvl3+ dragons
•    Cc with lvl3+ Dragon
•    bk

Plan of attack:
1.    Drop 3 lightning spells directly on top of air defense marked 1
2.    Drop 1 dragon at each location marked 2, this is to help clear some of the distractions of where you want your dragon to go, and to ensure you don't have hard to reach left over buildings in the end
3.    Deploy dragons along the line at location marked 3, we want to spread out dragons to avoid having them clump up. you should hold onto 1-2 dragons just incase dragons avoid the air defenses. you can drop these to take them out if you notice this happening, once air d are down then feel free to deploy the last dragons.
4.    drop bk at location marked 4 to take our last air defense. drop between the air d the boarder to make sure that bk will take it out first even if there are teslas in the area.

Dragon raid requirements:
•    3 Lvl3+ lightning spells
•    10 Lvl2+ dragons
•    Cc with lvl5 hogs
•    bk

Plan of attack:
1.    Drop 3 lightning spells directly on top of air defense marked 1
2.    Deploy bk to trigger traps and bombs and distract defenses from your hogs, drop cc of hogs at the location marked 2 to take out air defense.
3.    Deploy dragons along the line at location marked 3, we want to spread out dragons to avoid having them clump up. The white line is if we successfully take out the air d with hogs. The blue line the back up plan if the failed to do so.

Dragon raid requirements:
•    3 Lvl3+ lightning spells
•    10 Lvl2+ dragons
•    Cc lvl3+ dragon

Plan of attack:
1.    Drop 3 lightning spells directly on top of air defense marked 1
2.    Deploy dragons along the line at location marked 2, we want to spread out dragons to avoid having them clump up.

Friday, September 5, 2014

War list with SITHS REVENGE #2

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

For Now, Targets 19 and above are OFF LIMITS for first attacks unless approved by a Leader 

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

***Please don't pick bases that are too high or too low for your current level, thank you***

If you claim a target, please do your first  attack within the first 12 hours of war start Thank you.

Highlighted green names mean that there is an attack strat made for this target s

# Enemy Name Primary Attack Support Attack
1 jjuummppeerr
2 BallBaggee
3 dsdik
4 barrett
5 Trejin12
6 vatsal
7 freak
8 martin
9 HeroPlayz
10 Apex
11 Fatal troops
12 kickass
13 A Rex
14 xiongshiwudide
15 ggjj
16 Grosiak
17 Ben
18 hyder 73
19 crimson smokey troops
20 Hoebarob byfusionmm
21 Aggie TE1-4
22 Casjoh123
23 Brent allen
24 Shaun taco
25 Husk3rJo3
26 shazneri
27 Johns army Zubacabalist
28 gwarlock shrempe
29 Ryan the Brute gandor
30 Ds Nutz choktnrocks15 dylan
31 Arnold_T_Pants Junior
32 rhino dino Dylan
33 chris furiousninja
34 Shaun soul
35 Goblin Jared
36 Sir Alexander geoff
37 %DA5 88% ron
38 bigD5685 kirito the beat
39 HB SamBaker66
40 The LeGeNDaRy
41 goldeh or,jake
42 mlkgodwin Brad
43 Buckle wbones
44 Lil Vinsky Arrow
45 :Cindy4208: Jason the Great wbones