Friday, February 27, 2015

War against Warrior Wolves

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack
1 HorNet
2 Dzaka27
3 Wolf the Fierce
4 Jolloco
5 Seth
6 Mike009anAhalf Dovid74
7 _(gabestal)_
8 Hause Sapper Dude
9 (--TPIK--) SouL
10 LocoJo Jojo
11 The ATRAIN618
12 jstorm18
13 LongHORNSRULE choknrocks15
14 Kayli Wbones
15 81Mike2 Tip319

Thursday, February 26, 2015

War participation list 2/26

In order to make sure that we have maximum active players in war, we ask that you turn your war opt feature to "I'm out" (Red Shield) for the whole week until we ask you, in clan mail, to turn it to "I'm in" (Green Shield). We will send a mail to change it to "I'm in" on Mondays (for Tuesday war search) and Thursday (for Friday war search).

Before we send the mail we will take note of those of you who haven't changed it to "I'm out" and put you on this list described below.

This list is for those of you in the clan who have not turned your war opt to "I'm out" (Red Shield) and have left it "I'm in" (Green Shield) with in the time that we asked you to turn it off. Please notify us by leaving a comment below or contacting a Lead or Co-Lead in game chat saying that you would like to participate in the Tuesday/Friday war. Below are the following people that we need verbal verification from.

Name Current war status
Troops Out of War
Jackattack546 In war
Ron Out of War
Gandor Out of War
Allen In War
Michael Out of War
Crazy88Ford In War
Wbones In war
Nate the GreatOut of War
choktnrocks15 In war
Hena321 In War
PresidentMajor In War
King Out of War
Shiloh Out of War
Rise of Peace In war
Yiovanni Out of War
ly In War
NonlinearBit Out of War
TE1-4 In War
Sapper dudeIn war
Tip in war
Ryan out of war
Jojo in war

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

War with The Quiet Ones

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack
1 imp
2 stev1122
3 coltonR24
4 killertank
5 Mike EG3 Jojo
6 God of war
7 2jz ly
8 chop11
9 God of war3 Jason the Great
10 God of war 2 PresidentMajor

Friday, February 20, 2015

Next update February '15

The following pictures have been confirmed by SC to be in the update:
Forum exclusive: Healers no longer trigger air traps - just keep clear of Air Defense!
Forum exclusive: Clan Castle troop deployment is no longer prevented by tapping on obstacles or decorations.

Forum exclusive: See a preview image of any player's Village from their profile, without having to visit.

Forum exclusive: list of clan perks below (picture)
Note that the Header displays the current level of your Clan and the perks your Clan has access to (in the example above, Clan is maxed out at level 10).

The following pictures are leaked from the app store:

Friday, February 13, 2015

War against INDIA

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack
1 mangesh27
2 gladiator  Daman
3 vivek9211 Ryan
4 tippu
5 shivang
6 vab
7 raj
8 jitin
9 salman
10 salman
11 dee
12 robin
13 vbhv
14 abhinav.36 iman_kerokero98
15 R!$l-l@bl-l Mikemikemike
16 satish PR0GR4MM3R
17 kunal Plastic202
18 ashmit
19 mayank Shrempe
20 udbhav Viky
21 i.manish
22 ayush Rise of peace
23 durgesh Ron
24 lalit Braedon30
25 queen avanti Tip319

Friday, February 6, 2015

War with Avenging Keanu

Everyone can claim ONE target as their first attack, (please make absolutely sure to 3 star this first target) then if you want to you can claim a second attack target, but please only attack it once the first attacker has had a chance to do their attack. This will make sure everyone will have at least one clean target to do their first attack on. Lets share so no one feels left out. :)

Once again please run through this checklist before starting your attack to make sure you have everything.

Prep day
1. Claim potential target
2. Talk to co about attack
3. Verify spells are created
4. Verify CC is filled
5. Build army (with recommendations from leadership)
Attack day
1. Verify all above
2. Heroes replenished?
3. Watch any available replays
4. Plan and visualize attack
5. Check blog to make sure target is not claimed
6. Conduct attack
7. Celebrate your 3 star attacks with the rest of the clan!!

# Enemy Name Primary Attack
1 jsyesjdydu
2 rich
3 shiggins the ?
4 jadednoob
5 moviemaker1=mic
6 _xxrobinxx_
7 heartless
8 bleacherbum
9 tyler Gandor
10 nighthawk Plastic202
11 stewiestoney
12 dannysaur
13 deucefyster Shrempe
14 baby jaguar SouL
15 xibalba Jojo
16 demon dane John Madden
17 mandybk123
18 blake Wbones
19 pathogen Ron
20 cinderblock 28 Hena321