-1 dragon
-28 lvl2 hogs
-3 heal spells
-1 giant
-3 barbs
-4 Archers
-7 Wiz
-CC of lvl5 hogs
Plan of Attack
1. drop 1 giant to bait cc troops and trigger traps (may need to use some barbs and archers to get all cc troops out if giant dies too fast)
2. at location marked 2 kill off cc troops using combination of dragon, barbs, and archers and possible 1 or 2 wiz, but ensure that cc troops are dead before dropping hogs in
3. Drop hogs and cc in location marked 3. hogs may split but should relatively follow the path marked by the circle and arrows. Try to use heal spells on the larger group and ignore the smaller group. If hogs do a pretty close 50/50 split you will prob need to drop a spell for each group.
#37 –
Dragon raid requirements:
• 3 Lvl3+ lightning spells
• 9 Lvl2+ dragons
• Cc with lvl5 hogs
• 1 Giant
• 3 hogs
• BK
Plan of attack:
1. Drop 3 lightning spells directly on top of air defense marked 1
2. Drop 1 Giant at location marked 2 to trigger any traps, once giant gets to the wall or dies drop your own hogs and cc of hogs at the same location marked 2. This should take out the air d and few other buildings. once air d is dead proceed to step 3.
3. Drop 1 dragon at location marked 3, we are decreasing the chances for the dragon to stray off to the sides by pinching off the buildings in the corner first
4. Deploy dragons along the line at location marked 4, we want to spread out dragons to avoid having them clump up.
#42 –
Dragon raid requirements:
• 3 Lvl3+ lightning spells
• 10 Lvl2+ dragons
• Cc with lvl5 hogs
Plan of attack:
1. Drop 3 lightning spells directly on top of air defense marked 1
2. Deploy dragons along the line at location marked 2, we want to spread out dragons to avoid having them clump up.
3. Deploy cc of hogs at the location marked 3 after enemy cc troops have been taken out by your dragons. This should take out the air d and few other buildings.
#43 –
Dragon raid requirements:
• 3 Lvl3+ lightning spells
• 10 Lvl1+ dragons
• Cc with lvl5 hogs
• bk
Plan of attack:
1. Drop 3 lightning spells directly on top of air defense marked 1
2. Deploy dragons along the line at location marked 2, we want to spread out dragons to avoid having them clump up.
3. Once enemy cc troops have been taken out by our dragons deploy cc of hogs at the location marked 3. This should take out the air d and few other buildings.
4. drop bk at location marked 4
#45 –
Dragon raid requirements:
• 3 Lvl3+ lightning spells
• 10 Lvl1+ dragons
• Cc with lvl3+ Dragon
• bk
Plan of attack:
1. Drop 3 lightning spells directly on top of air defense marked 1
2. Deploy dragons along the line at location marked 2, we want to spread out dragons to avoid having them clump up.
3. drop bk at location marked 3